
Alla scoperta dell’Italia Antica: influenze greche ed etrusche

Scopri le affascinanti influenze greche ed etrusche sull'Italia preromana e il contesto storico in cui sorse Roma. Attraverso leggende, scoperte archeologiche e dibattiti accademici, esplora il ruolo...

Discovering Ancient Italy: Greek and Etruscan influences

Discover the fascinating Greek and Etruscan influences on pre-Roman Italy and the historical context in which Rome arose. Through legends, archaeological discoveries and academic debates, he explores...

Discovering Ancient Italy: the Iron Age

Explore the exciting world of Iron Age Italy with our in-depth article. Discover the fascinating cultures, mysterious burial practices, and linguistic influences that shaped the ancient peninsula...

Alla scoperta dell’Italia Antica: l’Età del Ferro

Esplora l'entusiasmante mondo dell'Età del Ferro in Italia con il nostro approfondito articolo. Scopri le culture affascinanti, le pratiche di sepoltura misteriose e le influenze linguistiche che...

Alla scoperta dell’Italia Antica: l’Età del Bronzo

Scopri i segreti dell'Età del Bronzo in Italia con il nostro avvincente episodio. Dalla metallurgia alle pratiche sepolcrali, esplora le civiltà antiche che hanno plasmato la penisola. Con...

Discovering Ancient Italy: the Bronze Age

Discover the secrets of the Bronze Age in Italy with our gripping episode. From metallurgy to burial practices, explore the ancient civilizations that shaped the peninsula. With insights into the...

Cinque misteri affascinanti sull’Australia preistorica

Esplora i cinque misteri avvincenti dell'Australia preistorica attraverso gli occhi della cultura aborigena. Da antiche migrazioni a connessioni genetiche sorprendenti, immergiti in un viaggio...

Dal fuoco alla civiltà, come il suo addomesticamento ha trasformato l’essere umano

Scopri il potente impatto dell'addomesticamento del fuoco nel nostro passato umano. Esplora le sue origini incerte e il suo ruolo nella trasformazione delle strategie di sopravvivenza e nella nostra...

Il mistero dei Quipos, le corde annodate degli Inca

L’Impero Inca, avvolto nel mistero, continua a svelare segreti intriganti che catturano l’immaginazione di archeologi e studiosi. Uno di questi affascinanti enigmi è rappresentato dai...

I Pitti: resistenza, tatuaggi e loro impronta genetica

I Pitti, una misteriosa confederazione di tribù con radici incerte, hanno plasmato la storia dell’odierna Scozia, sfidando l’Impero Romano e contribuendo alla formazione del Regno di Alba...

The Picts: resistance, tattoos and their genetic imprint

The Picts, a mysterious confederation of tribes with uncertain roots, have shaped the history of present-day Scotland, challenging the Roman Empire and contributing to the formation of the Kingdom of...

Le magnifiche offerte alle divinità: un viaggio tra l’antica devozione

Esplora tributi indelebili all'incrollabile fede umana nell'antro della storia. Dalle intricatissime sculture di Angkor Wat al maestoso Tempio di Karnak in Egitto, e alle reliquie sacre come i capelli...

The magnificent offerings to the deities: a journey into ancient devotion

Explore indelible tributes to unwavering human faith in the depths of history. From the intricate sculptures of Angkor Wat to the majestic Karnak Temple in Egypt, and sacred relics like Buddha's hair...

Gli antichi graffiti di Pompei: il Primo ‘Social Media’ dell’antichità

Scopri il Primo 'Social Media' dell'antichità: gli affascinanti graffiti di Pompei. L'archeologa Catherine Huntley svela l'arte di comunicare attraverso le antiche mura di Pompei, che ci rivelano un...

The Ancient Graffiti of Pompeii: Antiquity’s First ‘Social Media’

Discover Antiquity's First 'Social Media': The Fascinating Graffiti of Pompeii. Archaeologist Catherine Huntley unveils the art of communication through the ancient walls of Pompeii, revealing a world...

The realism of the protective lions of Babylon

Let's face it, the glazed brick lions that once guarded the streets of ancient and splendid Babylon possess a unique vitality. Let's see together the meaning that these lions had for this ancient and...

Le antiche statue greche e romane in realtà erano colorate

Nel mondo dell’arte classica è emersa una recente discussione che ha spinto la classicista Sarah Bond in una controversia inaspettata. Il suo obiettivo? Le statue antiche e il concetto di “policromia”...

Ancient Greek and Roman statues were actually colorful

A recent discussion has emerged in the world of classical art that has thrust classicist Sarah Bond into an unexpected controversy. Her goal? Ancient statues and the concept of "polychromy"...

Defixiones, antiche maledizioni su lamina

Il podcast di ArcheoTravelers viaggiatori nel passato vi porta alla scoperta delle defixiones, le antiche maledizioni su lamina...

The dark secrets of Chichen Itza: deciphering Maya sacrifices

Discover the mysteries of Chichen Itza and decode the Mayan sacrifice rituals. This video reveals secrets hidden in the remains of centuries-old sacrifices and calls into question traditional...

The Burton Agnes Drum Has Transformed Our Understanding of Prehistoric Britain

Discover how an ancient chalk drum, dating back 5,000 years to the UK and found near Burton Agnes, East Yorkshire, revolutionized our view of prehistoric Britain. This fascinating video reveals how...

A symbol of family devotion from ancient Egypt

Discover the fascinating story of an ancient Egyptian statue at the MET in New York, dating back to around 1340 BC. This fascinating sculpture represents three male figures in natural poses, captured...

Esseri umani e cani, un rapporto lungo millenni

Oggi si festeggia la Giornata Mondiale del Cane! E noi la festeggiamo insieme, attraverso aneddoti sui nostri simpatici amici a quattro zampe, riconducibili ad indagini archeologiche, fonti scritte...

Human beings and dogs, a millennia-long relationship

Today is celebrated the World Day of the Dog! And we celebrate it together, with anecdotes about our charming four-legged friends, traced through archaeological investigations, written sources...

The Longobards in Moravia: excavated high-ranking graves

In the Czech Republic, in the Pálava region, in the Mušov-Roviny area, in what is to all intents and purposes the largest necropolis of the Migration Age known to date north of the middle course of...

ArcheoTravelers: quattro anni di scoperte archeologiche e avventure nel passato

Oggi sono qui per festeggiare insieme a voi i quattro anni del progetto "ArcheoTravelers: viaggiatori nel passato". Sì, sono già trascorsi quattro anni da quel lontano 10 luglio 2019, il giorno in cui...

ArcheoTravelers: four years of archaeological discoveries and adventures in the past

Today, I am here to celebrate with all of you the fourth anniversary of the "ArcheoTravelers: Travelers in the Past" project. Yes, four years have already passed since that distant July 10th, 2019...

A Pompeian “pizza”?

It looks like a pizza, the one you see on a 2,000-year-old Pompeian painting, but it's not! After all, among its ingredients we do not find tomato puree and mozzarella, two products that have by now...

Una “pizza” pompeiana?

A Pompei emerge una natura morta dai nuovi scavi della Regio IX Sembra una pizza, quella che si vede su un dipinto pompeiano di 2000 anni fa, ma non lo è! Del resto tra i suoi ingredienti non troviamo...

Coronation of Charles III of England. New scientific investigations reveal interesting details about the mysterious Stone of Scone

Today is the day of the proclamation of Charles III as king and he too, like his predecessors, will sit on the appropriate coronation throne in Westminster Abbey. Below this seat will be placed the...

Bet Giorgis, the mythical rock church

Lalibela is one of the holiest cities in Ethiopia and is famous for its rock-hewn churches. Today I will tell you about the church of San Giorgio, the most beautiful, evocative and best preserved of...

Indian stepwells, between mysticism and engineering prowess

Indian stepwells are an amazing sight representing the ingenuity and architectural craftsmanship of ancient India. These wells, also called baoli or stepwell in English, are a distinctive feature of...

I pozzi a gradini indiani, tra misticismo e abilità ingegneristica

I pozzi a gradini indiani sono uno spettacolo incredibile che rappresenta l'ingegnosità e la maestria architettonica dell'India antica. Questi pozzi, chiamati anche baoli o stepwell in inglese, sono...

Earthquake in Syria and Turkey: cultural heritage updates

The following article was created with the intention of giving a first overview of the conditions in which cultural heritage is found in the Syrian and Turkish areas devastated by the earthquake of...

Earthquake in Turkey: Gaziantep Castle destroyed, a UNESCO heritage site

While the high number of victims caused by the earthquake that struck south-eastern Turkey and northern Syria in the night between 5 and 6 February continues to rise, the first damages to the cultural...

Life-size statue of Hercules discovered on the Appian Way

The marble work came to light again in Parco Scott in Rome, during the reclamation works of a sewer pipeline. According to the director of the Parco Archeologico dell’Appia Antica Simone Quilici, this...

Exceptional Etruscan-Roman finds in San Casciano dei Bagni

One of the most important archaeological discoveries of recent years is that of the site of San Casciano dei Bagni (SI), in Tuscany, in the Etruscan-Roman sanctuary connected to the ancient sacred...

Licantropia tra mito e archeologia

Gli antichi conoscevano la licantropia? Il lupo mannaro era una figura presente nel loro folklore? Lo scopriremo affrontando i miti e le leggende che li hanno come protagonisti, rintracciando e...

Lycanthropy between myth and archaeology

Did the ancients know about lycanthropy? Was the werewolf a figure in their folklore? We will find out by addressing the myths and legends that have them as protagonists, tracing and retracing the...

Invito a Pompei

Palazzo Madama – Museo Civico d’Arte Antica of Turin presents the exhibition “Invito a Pompei” (Invitation to Pompeii), curated by the Archaeological Park of Pompeii and by Palazzo Madama. An...

Tutankhamun – Journey to Eternity

On November 4, 1922, the English archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun, but he had to wait until February 16 of the following year to officially open the seals of...

Playful activities and forms of entertainment in the Western Middle Ages

During the dissertation, it will be seen how the interest in games and entertainment were always strongly felt within medieval society. Today, the rediscovery of these games allows on the one hand to...

The Longobard knight of Monticello di Fara (Vicenza)

Today at the Corte delle Filande civic hall in Montecchio Maggiore, the exhibition entitled "Il cavaliere longobardo di Monticello di Fara" will be inaugurated, curated by the Superintendency of...

Solved the mystery of the precious Mesopotamian kungas

In Mesopotamia, domestic donkeys and wild emions were crossed to create steeds that were more resistant and faster than horses, as demonstrated by the analysis on ancient DNA carried out on the bone...

Ukraine | The discovery of a prestigious burial provides a new piece on the origin of the Goths

The discovery of a rich Roman burial in Lviv, Ukraine, adds a new piece to the culture of Wielbark, one of the populations believed to be the basis of the ethnogenesis of the Goths...

Heads of Greek gods found in Aizanoi, Turkey

Two heads of Greek gods were found in Aizanoi, an ancient city 50 kilometers from the center of Kütahya, in western Turkey...

Teste di divinità greche rinvenute ad Aizanoi, Turchia

Due teste di divinità greche sono state rinvenute ad Aizanoi, un’antica città a 50 chilometri dal centro di Kütahya, nella Turchia occidentale...

Nuova scoperta a Pompeii – La tomba di Marcus Venerius Secundio

Dopo i rinvenimenti del bellissimo thermopolium della Regio V e dell’altrettanto straordinario carro da parata di Civita Giuliana, i recenti scavi promossi dal Parco Archeologico di Pompei e...

New discovery in Pompeii – The tomb of Marcus Venerius Secundio

After the discoveries of the beautiful thermopolium of Regio V and of the equally extraordinary parade chariot of Civita Giuliana, the recent excavations promoted by the Parco Archeologico di Pompei...

Pompei, lo straordinario thermopolium affrescato è visitabile

Dal 12 agosto apre al pubblico il thermopolium della Regio V, l’antica tavola calda di Pompei, con straordinarie visite ai cantieri della Casa di Orione e del Giardino...

L’invisibilità delle donne preistoriche

Durante la Preistoria, anche le donne cacciavano i grandi mammiferi, dipingevano le pareti delle caverne e praticavano la guerra. Lo afferma l’archeologa preistorica Marylène Patou-Mathis nel suo...

Ancient DNA analysis sheds new light on the Caribbean

An international team of geneticists, archaeologists, anthropologists and physicists, analyzed the DNA of 174 individuals who lived more than 2000 years ago in what are now the islands of Bahamas...

Were the first artists of prehistoric times women?

Recent studies have revealed that much of the ancient prehistoric cave paintings were done by female members, while most scholars had always assumed that the authors were men. It was archaeologist...

The first female painters in history

According to a study carried out by some Spanish and British universities, women in prehistoric times were actively involved in rock art...

Il carro da parata di Civita Giuliana – L’ultima scoperta di Pompei

Il Parco Archeologico di Pompei e la Procura della Repubblica di Torre Annunziata, annunciano il rinvenimento straordinario di un carro cerimoniale a quattro ruote, emerso integro dallo scavo della...

The parade chariot of Civita Giuliana – The latest discovery of Pompeii

The Parco Archeologico di Pompei and the Procura della Repubblica of Torre Annunziata announce the extraordinary discovery of a four-wheeled ceremonial chariot, which emerged intact from the...

Banchettando con gli Etruschi (parte 3/3)

Un approfondimento su gli antichi Etruschi a tavola per scoprire la loro cucina, in che modo cucinavano, cosa mangiavano e con quali strumenti, i loro ricchi banchetti e lussuosi simposi...

Feasting with the Etruscans (part 3/3)

An in-depth study of the ancient Etruscans at the table to discover their cuisine, how they cooked, what they ate and with what tools, their rich banquets and luxurious symposia...

Banchettando con gli Etruschi (parte 2/3)

Un approfondimento su gli antichi Etruschi a tavola per scoprire la loro cucina, in che modo cucinavano, cosa mangiavano e con quali strumenti, i loro ricchi banchetti e lussuosi simposi...

Feasting with the Etruscans (part 2/3)

An in-depth study of the ancient Etruscans at the table to discover their cuisine, how they cooked, what they ate and with what tools, their rich banquets and luxurious symposia...

Banchettando con gli Etruschi (parte 1/3)

Un approfondimento su gli antichi Etruschi a tavola per scoprire la loro cucina, in che modo cucinavano, cosa mangiavano e con quali strumenti, i loro ricchi banchetti e lussuosi simposi...

Feasting with the Etruscans (part 1/3)

An in-depth study of the ancient Etruscans at the table to discover their cuisine, how they cooked, what they ate and with what tools, their rich banquets and luxurious symposia...

A new thermopolium resurfaces entirely in Pompeii

The thermopolium of Regio V, one of the hot tables of Pompeii, with the image of the Nereid on horseback, already partially excavated in 2019, resurfaces in its entirety with its other rich...

Riaffiora per intero un nuovo thermopolium a Pompei

Il thermopolium della Regio V, una delle tavole calde di Pompei, con l’immagine della Nereide a cavallo, già parzialmente scavato nel 2019, riaffiora per intero con le altre sue ricche decorazioni di...

Trovata la casa d’infanzia di Gesù a Nazareth?

In questi giorni molte testate giornalistiche hanno riportato la notizia secondo la quale sarebbe stata individuata la casa d’infanzia di Gesù. Si tratta realmente di una scoperta recente? È veramente...

Found Jesus’ childhood home in Nazareth?

In recent days, many newspapers have reported the news according to which the childhood home of Jesus has been identified. Is this really a recent discovery? Is it really the house of Jesus? Let's see...

“The Sistine Chapel of the Ancients” in the Amazon rainforest

One of the world's largest collections of prehistoric rock art has been discovered in the Amazon rainforest...

The remains of a 9,000-year-old woman-hunter have been found in Peru

The remains of a 9,000-year-old woman-hunter have been found in Peru. Scientists are divided on the implications that this finding could indeed redefine so-called ancient gender roles. But did these...

Victims of grisly human sacrifices from the Iron Age emerge during an excavation

During the excavations for the construction of water pipes in the English county of Oxofordshire, 26 skeletons were found bearing signs of macabre burial rites; they could be victims of human...

Tattoo in antiquity (introduction)

Emblem of rebellion, belonging, stigma, magic sign but also fashion accessory and symbol of freedom. Over the millennia, the tattoo has represented all this and more...

International Archaeological Discovery Award “Khaled al-Asaad” 2020 (6th edition)

Also this year the International Archaeological Discovery Award "Khaled al-Asaad" was awarded, let's discover together the archaeological discoveries nominated for the award and the winner...

Documentario «À la rencontre de Néandertal»

Siamo lieti di condividere con voi la trasmissione del documentario «À la rencontre de Néandertal», diretto da Rob Hope e Pascal Cuissot. In particolare, scoprirete gli ultimi scavi effettuati in...

An ancient church was found on the bottom of a Turkish lake and the discoveries do not end there

An ancient early Christian church was found on the bottom of Lake Iznik in Turkey, below it the remains of an even more ancient pagan temple probably dedicated to the god Apollo...

The rediscovery of the Roman city of Falerii Novi through radar waves

An entire Roman city was discovered thanks to radar waves alone: a turning point for archeology. It happened near the town of Falerii Novi, about 50 km north of Rome, where research has led to the...

The ancient ruins of a mysterious palace emerge from the waters of the Tigris

In Iraq, drought has unearthed the ruins of an ancient palace that could provide us with valuable clues to the mysterious history of the Mitanni Empire...

The face hidden behind the mask

The culture of Tashtyk The Tashtyk culture developed along the Yenisei valley and surrounding areas of southern Siberia from the 2nd century BC. to the 4th century AD, supplanting the Tagar culture...

The hunt for Cleopatra’s tomb is still open

The discovery of two mummies covered with gold leaf at the site of "Taposiris Magna, at the ancient temple dedicated to the goddess Isis, could open new perspectives on where the tomb of the famous...

The immortal army

Joined the UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1987, the Terracotta Army is an impressive sculptural group of around 8,000 statues, depicting the faithful army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, the man who...

The early Christian necropolis of Saint-Pierre-l’Estrier in Autun

Inrap is investigating a necropolis near the early Christian church of Saint-Pierre-l'Estrier in Autun. The different typology of burials, some of which include lead coffins, somewhat rare in this...

L’incredibile “Bonehenge” Russa

Circa 25,000 anni fa, i cacciatori impiegarono le ossa di 60 mammut per costruire una grande struttura circolare in Russia. Oggi una squadra di archeologi l'ha identificata e l'ha scoperta...

The incredible Russian “Bonehenge”

About 25,000 years ago, hunter-gatherers employed the bones of 60 mammoths to build a large circular structure in Russia. Today a team of archaeologists has identified it and unearthed it...

Northern Barbarians in the eyes of the Romans

How were the infamous "Barbarians of the North" seen in the eyes of the ancient Romans? Interesting to see how the Romans, also perceived as barbarians by the ancient Greeks, associated this term...

News on the Viking ship of Gjellestad

A full archaeological excavation of the Viking ship at Gjellestad in Norway will commence this Friday. It is 115 years since the last time a similar excavation has taken place...

Il Thermopolium, il fast food degli antichi Romani

Il thermopolium era un luogo di ristoro dell’antica Roma, una sorta di snack bar dove si servivano bevande e cibi caldi. A quel tempo infatti come oggi, non era inusuale pranzare fuori casa...

Humans and dogs: a 15,000-year friendship

The friendship between man and dog has a very ancient origin. The dog, closely related to the wolf, was the first animal to be domesticated around 15,000 years ago. It was the Paleolithic: men still...

What was hidden inside a Tagar clay mask from 2100 years ago

According to a report from The Siberian Times, a team of Russian researchers has been able to examine the contents of a head-shaped sculpture made by Tagar Culture more than 2000 years ago after more...

Indiana Jones 5: il ritorno

Notizie sul quinto capitolo della saga su Indiana Jones...

The Viking ship of Gjellestad comes back to life online

A Viking ship and a settlement, discovered in Gjellestad outside Halden in 2018, were brought to life digitally thanks to a project conducted by researchers from Østfold University College...

The Lombard warrior with a blade instead of the arm

Preserved at the Museum of Anthropology "G. Sergi "of Sapienza, the body of the Lombard warrior, who lacks the right hand, the wrist and part of the forearm, is an important testimony of perfectly...

Il guerriero longobardo con una lama al posto del braccio

Conservato presso il Museo di Antropologia “G. Sergi” della Sapienza, il corpo del guerriero longobardo, a cui mancano la mano destra, il polso e parte dell’avambraccio, è una importante testimonianza...